About Me

Winners Street Abata Ifo, Ogun State P.O.Box 2294, Agege Lagos State., Nigeria
I am the pastor in charge of DOMINION BAPTIST CHURCH NIGERIA
Not God and…but GOD!  God is enough. God alone. If I have all else my heart would desire, and have not Him, I have nothing.If I have Him and nothing more, I have everything.My heart must be convinced of this. Only then can I live in peace.Otherwise, there will always be something else I need urgently, desperately.And this lack, this urgent need of filling this lack,will forever drive me todistraction and destroy my rightful peace and rest,my quietness and confidence in the Lord. This doesn't mean I don't recognize other things that might be considered needs. It\'s only that, while I may see them as good or desirable if withinGod\'s will and purpose for me, I won't see them as ultimate needs,because God, and God alone, is my only ultimate need.And what He gives me, in the way and time He gives it, is fine with me.For He alone is ultimately enough.  Enough form. Yes, I have what humans view as responsibilities. But only those that are God-given are truly mine.And they are not so much responsibilities as opportunities.Opportunities to serve and please and give pleasure to the Onewho is Himself all I need, and is increasingly, by His grace, all I want.

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